why is it that crafts are often not seen as art? How did the painter's work suddenly become more valuable that the basket weaver's work? My answer is, perceived value. Paintings and sculpture were and are luxuries so people "value" them more (or are willing to pay more for them). Baskets and Rugs are more like everyday items. However, I think it is still important to recognize crafts as art because craftsmen have just as much skill and creativity as any other artist.
Fimo/Sculpy Rings
We made rings! It was actually kind of tricky but a lot of fun.
Here are some examples of what we made:
We also looked at this professional craftsman who make amazing rings:
Gabriel Caig
I am not sure how I would integrate the rings into the core curriculum's, maybe if there was a book that was centered around a ring (like Lord of the Rings - but more age appropriate) or maybe around treasure. However, if I was just having students sculpt things with the Fimo then there are endless possibilities for integration.
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